Stay in your lane.

Stay in your lane.

The older I’m getting the more I’m learning that it’s better to just stay in your own lane. We often worry so much about everything going on around us and keeping up with the next. It doesn’t matter how old we get the drama still follows. Unfortunately, it can be hard to get away from. It could be someone in your family, a close friend or even yourself who tends to stir the pot. I know we’ve all fell short of it because there’s not a single one of us that is perfect, you may think someone is living the perfect life but I promise you they are not.

I myself am wanting to better myself this year, not for anyone else but me. It’s not going to be easy but the first step is going to have to be not worrying about everyone else and what they’re doing in life. We are all on different paths and in different stages of our lives which already makes each one of us different from each other. I’m not saying don’t worry about someone if you truly care about them. I’m saying you don’t have to worry about losing 10 pounds because they did or buying a new car because 2 of your friends got new cars or just because someone tells you something doesn’t mean run and tell someone else. Please don’t mistake my words and think I’m not guilty of doing just that because like I said none of us are perfect. We are all here for a purpose and I can promise you that purpose isn’t to make each others lives hell.


You are so much more.

You are so much more.

You are capable of so much more. Never settle for less than you deserve; always strive to be the best possible version of yourself. Life will always throw you curveballs and it’s what you choose to do with those challenges that make you who you are. There will be hard days and pushing through and overcoming those days will make you so much stronger. I sometimes let the hard days get the best of me and those are the days that I realize if I would have just pushed through, good days are soon to follow.

You can do hard things.

You will survive bad days.

You will be stronger in the end.

Never give up; chase your dreams even if they sometimes seem impossible to reach.


Little lies.

Little lies.

Jealousy and insecurities lie at the root of so many lies. We are all human and we have all been jealous or insecure at some point in our lives, it’s what we do with those feelings that matter. We tend to lash out in a moment of weakness when we feel jealous or insecure and usually with that comes a lie. A lie about ourselves, someone else or even an event that has happened. We don’t realize that in that moment what we’ve said or done can impact so many others around us or maybe we do realize it and we just don’t care. Think about what you’re saying or feeling next time that sudden urge hits you to say how you feel about someone or something and decide how you’d feel if the tables were turned. So many already struggle with anxiety, depression and self doubt, why add flame to the fire? If it’s to make yourself feel better, that feeling only last for a moment and it affects the other person for much longer. Strive to be the best version of yourself and that person isn’t someone who finds joy in hurting others along the way.


Kindness is powerful.

Kindness is powerful.

I understand it’s hard to show kindness 100% of the time especially when it’s not being given to you. There’s so much negativity around us everyday. Try being the positivity in someone’s day, you never know the positive impact it could bring them. Think about it this way, does it make you happy to see someone else feeling sad/angry? I know for me it brings a smile to my face when I see someone else smiling and enjoying their day and a sense of sadness when I see someone having a bad day or going through a hard time.

Never hesitate to ask someone how their day is going; sometimes that person just needs to know there’s someone who cares enough to listen to them. A smile and a little reassurance can go a long way.